Friday, February 12, 2010

Do Not Copy

Protect your Blog from unauthorised copying using PageLock Website Copy Protection Code. This Code helps block Your Blog copying by stopping text from being selected and preventing the web page's source code from being read only.

Get Copy Protection Code

Features include:
Encode Blog to help protect against code and design theft.
New! Block text being selected using the Web browser's Select All function.
New! Block Internet Explorer's image.
Disable dragging and dropping.
Protect an entire Blog pages at once Code.
Get Free Code Today Email us:
We Send You Copy Lock Code On Your Email ID

The threat of Blog design theft is of significant concern to many Blog developers. Whilst copyright law offers some protection, it can be difficult to enforce, particularly when the dispute involves individuals in different countries. Copy Lock provides added physical protection by acting as a deterrent for possible offenders.

PageLock encodes HTML (the code used to design Blog) in a way that makes it difficult to make unauthorised copies whilst still allowing the resulting Blog to be displayed. Copy Lock also provides options for preventing text from being selected or the right mouse button being clicked in the body of the Blog.

As is the case with any copy protection technology, it is impossible to be absolutely certain that the encoding used won't be cracked or Try to different Trik to make copy Text. The same applies to webpages protected by PageLock. When you encode your webpages using the program, you can be assured that your page is encoded in a way that makes it more difficult for others to copy. The protection is intended to act as a deterrent for opportunistic


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